Babar R Chaudhry Sayings

Babar R Chaudhry Sayings


Babar R Chaudhry Saying

Babar Chaudhry man

Babar Chaudhry negativeAround early 2000, Babar R. Chaudhry created a one of its kind cable TV channel, to further the reach of his mission.  Besides general Islamic information and lectures on, salaat, character building and other subjects from Al Qur’an, our documentaries and programs also focus on patriotism and Pakistan; creating an awareness of the social issues we face as a nation and how our deen Islam can help us overcome these problems.

Babar Chaudhry Sin

Babar R Chaudhry Fitna

Babar Chaudhry says, “We need money to live. We shouldn’t live for money. Islam teaches us to balance our emotions and intelligence.” Whether you want a house, car, wealth or anything else remember do not be desperate.

Even a brave person becomes coward with weak beliefs .

Babar R Chaudhry Fraud

Babar R Chaudhry Money


Babar R Chaudhry in one of his sayings state that “Do not show off your good fortune so much that other people complain to Allah (for their fortune).”

Mr Babar Chaudhry

Mr. Babar R Chaudhry

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