10 Ways to be happy .
“Why are we not happy today? Why do we have so many complains about life”.. read more
“ Muhammad (P.B.U.H) is not The Father of any Of your men, but He is the Seal (Khaatam-un-Nabiyeen, Last) of the Prophets. And Allah has full knowledge Of all things.”
“Why are we not happy today? Why do we have so many complains about life”.. read more
The religion of Islam has been under intense. read more
Keep up the good job, what you guys are doing is great for humanity.
It’s a wonderful & an important service that you are doing. I pray that Allah gives you success in your cause
These are valuable efforts which you are putting & are the need of the hour. I wish these efforts were carried out 30 years back, However it’s never too late
This is a really good effort considering that anyone living abroad can go and look for the information which they need about Islam
I’m extremely glad to have come here & the efforts which you all have been doing voluntarily are really admirable
I’ve been following your programs, your website & Organization from a long time & I was extremely glad to see to most of your programs. The manner in which you have spoken about Pakistan & Islam abroad is really a commendable effort on your part.
I want to congratulate Arrahman Arraheem for making voluntary efforts of spreading awareness about Deen-e-Islam & propagating the real spirit of Islam through the Media
I believe it’s the true Jihad which you’re doing by clarifying the misconceptions about Islam & Muslims.
This is a very noble & significant duty, which you are carrying out for Deen Islam. Specially propagating Islam through the Media, there were few individual efforts made, but the way you have carried out collective efforts. They are exemplary
Jamai Binoria, the biggest Madrasa of Karachi has placed a press Release and Clarification about Arrahman Arraheem Network and Babar R. Chaudhry on their website.
Keep up the good job, what you guys are doing is great for humanity.
It’s a wonderful & an important service that you are doing. I pray that Allah gives you success in your cause