The Hidden Truth

The Hidden Truth

The Hidden Truth

In this upcoming documentary “The Hidden Truth”,  Arrahman Arraheem Network confronts the major social issue of Child Labor in Pakistan.

It is time for us to consider; What does the future hold for these minors who slave away to feed themselves? And, what are we going to do to make their futures brighter?

The Hidden Truth will open up the reality


the-hidden-truthThe Hidden Truth

According to an estimate, One-quarter of Pakistan’s work force are children, some start working from the age of four. The average middle class Pakistani earns approximately $6 per day and is responsible for feeding 8-10 people. 12.5% of Pakistanis live below the poverty line. Under these circumstances, child labor has become rampant with the majority of boys working in factories. Most of these manufacture export goods while  girls in the service industry.

Even though there are laws in place in Pakistan to curb child labor and indentured servitude, due to a serious lack of empathy and humanity, on a large scale these laws are deliberately being ignored.

Approximately 11 million children between the ages of four and fourteen often work in life endangering, abusive, and unhygienic conditions.

In order to assist in providing for their families these children are forced to give up their right to an education.

This is a severe violation of basic human rights as they have a right to a happy childhood.

In conclusion, we are responsible for the future of our children, and it is time that we question our lack of action.


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