Imagine you have just bought the latest computer software, now you have two options…
1 – You can learn how to use it through trial and error – it could take a while, and you might make some mistakes along the way, which could cost you dearly and waste your precious time.
2 – You can read the manual – go to the index and look up the topic you need help with, then go to that page, read, and apply.
Imagine reading a manual in a language that you don’t understand.
Similarly, we will understand Al Quran, only when we read and understand it in our own language that we speak and comprehend.
The book (Al Kitaab) literally has solutions to every problem we may encounter, and here’s the proof…
In Surah (chapter) 10, Ayat (verse) 57, Allah says:
O mankind! there hath come to you a direction from your Lord and a healing for the (diseases) in your hearts,- and for those who believe, a guidance and a Mercy.
- So first of all, this verse is addressing to every human being, not only Muslims, after all, what kind of God would it be if it addressed a certain sect, cast or creed?
- Allah has given us a purpose in life and healing/solutions for the common diseases/issues we hold inside ourselves (ignorance, doubt, hypocrisy, difference, jealousy, greed, selfishness, insecurity etc.)
- And if we decide to believe in and follow this user manual, then Allah is offering guidance for the rest of our life, as well as forgiveness for our mistakes.
This Ayat (verse) is just the start, and a general explanation of what the book (Al Kitaab) has to offer. In detail, the Holy Qur’an also helps with character development and basic moral values, such as…
- PATIENCE – In many places in the Holy Qur’an, Allah promises good news and reward in this life and the next, for those who practice patience. Practicing patience and self-restraint also helps us to become stronger and more able to deal with life’s up’s and down’s.
- GRATITUDE – Allah says he will give us more if we are grateful for what we already have, and it’s an amazing place to be within yourself when you enjoy every minute of your life; your relations, your job, the food you eat, your health, intellect, and any material things.
- RESPECT – The Holy Qur’an teaches us to respect others, to refrain from using degrading language, laughing at anyone as though we think we are better than them, to refrain from gossiping and talking behind anyone’s back, to avoid being over-curious/suspicious or spying on someone. Basically, to treat others how we wish to be treated. We are also told to be kind to our parents and speak with the best words, to show respect and save ourselves from causing any ill-feeling or hurt.
- JUSTICE – Allah instructs us in the Qur’an to stand out firmly for justice, even if it be against our family or our own self. If anyone does wrong to us, we are advised not to let our hurt feelings make us act wrongly in return.
- Allah also gives us LAW (Furqan) – a criteria of right and wrong, do’s and don’ts. And if we stay in between the lines, as with any law, we are protected by the system in which we live (e.g: if we obey the speed limit we will never live in fear of being caught speeding).
- Then there is PRACTICAL ADVICE for different situations, and whatever is happening in our life, however crazy, Allah offers us a way out – a plan of rescue – a solution to your problem – it’s all there in the Ayats (verses), we just have to look.
- The Holy Qur’an is also a BOOK OF PSYCHOLOGY, offering wisdom. In it Allah describes every type of character we might come across, and how to deal with them. We could get very good at reading people and dealing with them accordingly.
The topics are endless, with advice and solutions for every one. We just have to ASK and REFLECT/PONDER, use our brain…
Surah (chapter) 4, Ayat (verse) 82:
Then do they not reflect upon the Qur’an? If it had been from [any] other than Allah, they would have found within it much contradiction.
- There is no contradiction in the Qur’an. It is logical, practical, and common sense.
Surah 21, Ayat 10:
We have revealed for you a book in which is a Message for you: will ye not then understand?
- A book with a message for WHO? For ME! That message is a reminder for ME, it is a cure for MY mental diseases, it is advice for MY life. Allah wants me to use my brain.
Here is the best way to see if the Qur’an really is for you…
- Take a leap of faith and open the book
- Read
- Whatever you understand, whatever makes sense in your life, apply
- Once you have applied the advice written in the Ayats (verses), you will start to see the results. If the results are good then you will know it to be good advice.
That is when FAITH becomes BELIEF, since human nature is such that we have to ‘see it to believe it’.
So YOU decide… do you want to go through life on a ‘trial and error’ basis, potentially wasting precious time and getting hurt or hurting others along the way, with the danger of becoming lost in the world and never knowing your true purpose? OR would you rather save yourself the hassle by simply reading the manual? I know which one I would choose!